Lebanon: Alpha and Touch employees lift their strike
After a two-week strike, Alpha and Touch employees returned to work on 18 December following a commitment by the administrations of the two companies to guarantee the rights of all employees.
After a two-week strike, Alpha and Touch employees returned to work on 18 December following a commitment by the administrations of the two companies to guarantee the rights of all employees.
The Syndicate of Employees and Users of Cellular Telephone Companies in Lebanon protested in front of the companies Alfa and Touch and did not work starting from December 02nd, in protest against the discrimination between employees and the dependence of promotions and material incentives on political affiliation.
The Bakery Workers Syndicate in Beirut and Mount Lebanon announced in a statement after a meeting that took place at the beginning of the week with the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade that it demanded the protection of the rights of bakery workers who work for a daily wage that they receive according to the number of bread bags they produce daily.
An Iraqi deputy stated that foreign workers in some oil fields receive monthly salaries that far exceed those of Iraqi workers. She called on the government to open an investigation into the matter.
The Moroccan government has refused to approve an increase in the salaries of civil servants, in light of the unprecedented inflation the country is witnessing. The second round of social dialogue between trade unions, the government, and employers’ organisations did not lead to any agreement on the issue.